Guests |
Hans Christian Michaelsen is a Norwegian psychotherapist and supervisor, professor at the specialized University of Vid in Oslo; writer and researcher; president of the Norwegian association for family therapy and editor of the journal «Fokus på familien».
Workshop theme: “Reflections about reflections-inspiration for therapy and supervision within the framework of change for clients, therapists and supervisors”, Jun 2019.
Michel Maestre, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, founder and director of Psycom Institute; has 30 years of experience of working with couples, uses creative and original techniques, and as a passionate tango dancer, he incorporates these elements in his therapeutic practice.
Workshop theme: “Would you like to dance?”, March 2019.
Prof Umberta Telfener, clinical psychologist, systemic therapist and supervisor, with a degree in Philosophy and one in Psychology, is an adjunct professor at the PhD Course in Health Psychology of the University La Sapienza of Roma.
Workshop theme: “Love and sexuality in couples therapy”, March 2017.

Dr Mila Goldner Vukov, PhD, psychiatrist, trainer and supervisor of systemic family therapy; consultant and lecturer at the University of Auckland, New Zealand; head of the Centre for Mental Health, Manaaki, Auckland.
Workshop themes:
"Different faces of love (couples relations)", September 2015.
"Family shadows: psychoanalytic concepts in family relations-implications for psychotherapy", September 2010.
"Mother-daughter relationship: implications for family therapy" and "The gift of Epicure: from coping to enjoying", March 2009.
"Risks and interventions in the suicide problem: how to call someone back to life?" and "Malignant narcissism: when Cinderella wept, when did Cinderella weep", August 2007.

Kyriaki Polychroni, M.A., C.G.P., former president of the European Family Therapy Association; clinical psychologist; educator and supervisor in systemic family therapy, Institute Anthropos, Athens.
Four-day training: "Emotionally focused couple therapy", May and November 2014.
Workshop theme: "Emotionally focused couples therapy", October 2012.

Haviva Ayal, Ph.D, educator in systemic family therapy in Israel; consultant and supervisor in "coaching" program for parents at the Association for children with special needs in Israel.
Workshop theme: "Metaphors in psychotherapy", November 2011.

Prof Dr Arlene Vetere, clinical psychologist, systemic family therapist and supervisor; professor at Surrey University, United Kingdom; former president of the European Family
Therapy Association.
Workshop theme: "Attachment in family therapy", November 2010.

Prof Dr Ivan Eisler, professor of family psychology and family therapy; head of Family therapy section at the Institute of psychiatry, London; head of Clinic for eating disorders of adolescents, Maudsley Hospital, London; researcher in family therapy and self-harm in adolescents.
Workshop theme: "Adolescents and self-harm: systemic approach in treatment according to protocol", September 2009.

Annette Kreuz Smolinski, prominent expert in working with couples; head of a training school, Valencia, Spain; EFTA prizewinner for contribution in connecting and collaboration of national family therapy associations.
Workshop theme: "Phase model and use of humor in couples therapy", November 2008.

Prof Dr Dragan M. Svrakic, one of the most frequently cited authors in the area of modern neurobiological basis for behavioral research psychiatry professor at the Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA.
Workshop theme: "Psychotherapy in the world of modern biological understanding of behavior", October 2008.

Lucie Hornova, a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and supervisor. She has been involved with EFTA as a national representative since 2006. She has been working as a supervisor and a trainer locally and internationally. More ...
Workshop theme: “Using SAND-TRAY in families with high level of violence”, November 2019.

Petros Polychronis, M.D. and Kyriaki Polichroni, M.A., C.G.P., founders and educators of the Institute Antropos, Athens, Greece.
Workshop theme: "Inner voice and group process in systemic family therapy and training; realization of sequence and difference", April 2008.

David Campbell, clinical psychologist and consultant, worked at Tavistok clinic, London, section for children and family; former systemic family therapist and educator in systemic psychotherapy; consultant in organizations specialized in development of team work; editor of multiple significant editions in systemic family therapy.
Workshop theme: "Models of systemic training and supervision", November 2007.

Rodolfo de Bernart, M.D. Psych, director of the Psychotherapy institute, Florence; former president of the Italian psychotherapy association; president of the International association of systemic mediators; president of the Italian federation of systemic psychotherapists; EFTA-TIC board member.
Workshop theme: "Pictures and drawings in training and practice in family therapy: new skills from old techniques", March 2007.
Jelena Manojlovic, specialist of medical psychology, PhD in medical sciences, consultant for international corporative organizations, author of over 40 published articles, professor at the Faculty for Media and Communications “Singidunum”, Department of Psychology in Belgrade and one of the program leaders of Masters in applied psychology and psychotherapy.
Workshop theme: "Systemic approach in working with organizations", 2006.

Slavica Gajdazis Knezevic, international expert for additions; founder of the first training school in systemic family therapy in Skopje, Macedonia.
Workshop theme: "Systemic approach in working with additions", 2006.

Dr Desa Markovic, UKCP registered psychotherapist and supervisor, accredited psychosexual therapist, program director for psychotherapy and counselling at the Regent’s School of Psychotherapy and Psychology.
Workshop theme: "Systemic approach in working with sexual dysfunctions", April 2006.